[Hey Buddy] Your weekly summary of group topics

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Hey Buddy

Your weekly summary of group topics

Group: FAB Recruiters weekly summary
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Hemant Saraf posted an update: at 7:48 am, January 2, 2017

Go to the group now… http://smash2.org/twp_buddy/groups/fab-recruiters/
[bpfb_link url=’http://smash2.org/twp_buddy/groups/fab-recruiters/’ title=’Hey Buddy – Buddies Forever…’ image=”]Buddies Forever…[/bpfb_link]
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Hemant Saraf posted an update: at 9:12 pm, January 2, 2017

Check out this video to know how ppl plan for their SEO… and how we can use their SEO Keyword research to come up with our own…
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Hemant Saraf posted an update: at 4:07 am, January 3, 2017

Watch this vid to learn how the keywords are ranked / prioritized once they are identified… Ignore the initial part where he is mowing the lawn…

[bpfb_video]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQrcujYybtI[/bpfb_video] – View

Hemant Saraf posted an update: at 4:50 am, January 3, 2017

Yet another nice link to know more…
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Hemant Saraf posted an update: at 5:03 am, January 3, 2017

I just discovered… doing a search on ”STAFFING” produces better results of company URLs than on ”RECRUITER” or ”RECRUITING”. Please try and get some 100 URLs here also… focus on state based staffing such as ”minnesota staffing companies”, ”new jersey staffing companies”, ’bay area staffing companies’, ’dallas staffing companies’, ’florida staffing companies’, ’atlanta staffing companies’,’phoenix area staffing companies’. These are the major staffing centers in the US. Thanks. – View

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