What the hell is MQTT…

This is the technology behind all the messaging applications on the web and on the mobile… it is totally free and open source. MQTT stands for MQ Telemetry Transport. Well this is only good to know… What is more important to know is where it is used, how it works and why is it important for … Read more…

Setting up Secure Shell on your Raspberry Pi

Why you want to access your raspberry pi with SSH? The Secure SHell (SSH) is a program that allows us to access and use our RaspberryPi  remotely. This allows us to place our raspi anywhere at a remote a location, access and use our raspi from anywhere in the world.  The raspi needs to be connected … Read more…

Connecting the Raspberry Pi to the Internet

Connecting the RasPi to the Internet The two ways Basically there are 2 ways to do so… Wired connection using the built-in RJ-45 connector Wi-FI connection using a USB Wi-Fi adapter that you can buy on amazon. When you plugin the ethernet cable in to your RasPi, there is nothing more you need to do. You … Read more…